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Mary Kavanagh, APG Advisory Board Member, has been awarded a prestigious international artist residency at Bundanon art museum and national arts organization in New South Wales, Australia.

During her residency, Kavanagh will interpret research findings related to the British Nuclear Testing Program carried out at three sites in Australia (1952-1963), part of the unfolding nuclear story that continues unabated. Building upon her previous research on the birth of the atomic age (Trinity Site, New Mexico, 1945), Kavanagh will consider the broad and lasting impacts of the Cold War Atomic Testing Program (1946 – 1993), including high yield weapons development carried out by nuclear nations around the globe. Time in residence will be used for review, reflection, and investigation as she develops an exhibition project with manuscript.

A wildlife sanctuary situated on 1000 hectares along the Shoalhaven River, Bundanon was the home of artists Arthur and Yvonne Boyd. Established as a national Trust in 1993, the organization creates learning programs for students of all ages and operates Australia’s largest artist-in-residence program. Bundanon promotes land conservation as well as artistic practice across all disciplines.